With the end of the year upon, we've decided to share some of our favorites for the year of 2017. For the next five days, we will be posting THE BEST OF 2017 for five categories. Today, we're listing the BEST NEW-TO-ME AUTHORS we read in 2017 AND they will be in no particular order because there's already so much pressure to narrow our list down to only a few choices, it would be even more of a struggle to decide which author gets the top spot. Without further ado, let's get to the winners!

Alessandra Torre is my new obsession! I swear, I will read this woman's grocery list because I bet even the damn list will have some suspense to it. From eroticas, to sweet and sexy contemporaries, to a mystery that kept me on my toes, there is no genre that Torre can't write. I keep waiting for the day I end up not loving one of her releases but I fear that day may never come and I ain't even mad about it.

If you want your heart ripped out and repeatedly stomped on, then check out Emma Scott's books. Britt actually introduced my to Scott's book and with her constant raving, I knew they had to be good. I will say, I don't think anything will every prepare you for the heartbreak one will endure while reading Scott's book, but the pain is so worth it. Her writing is absolutely captivating and all her stories have a message that will leave a mark on your heart.

Whitney G. is an author that my friend Deanna recommended to me and now I'm completely hooked on her books! Her romances have gotten me out of numerous reading slumps this year and they also make the perfect weekend read. I swear, Whitney G. is the only author who can make me fall in love with asshole heroes because I can't get enough of her men. They are just everything and I WANT THEM! I'm pretty sure Whitney G.'s book will continue to save my ass from reading slumps in the new year.

Looking for a feel good romance? Then look no further than Meghan Quinn. Her books are the perfect combination of funny and oh-so-sweet and she continues to surprise me with each new release. I am forever laughing up a storm when reading one of her books and my cheeks hurt from smiling to hard. I so plan on reading all her backlist titles, but I need Quinn to slow down her writing so I can play catch-up for a minute.

Kennedy Ryan came out of nowhere and her words have changed my bookworm life! Ryan is not afraid to go there and tackle subjects most writers don't even begin to explore. Her writing is so thought-provoking, emotional and so relatable, I'm sure you'll find a piece of yourself between these pages. Like y'all need to stop sleeping on my fave. Get your life together and go binge-read all of her books. Make it a New Year's Resolution!

Kennedy Ryan
Kennedy Ryan really pushed through this year and snatched all my edges out like wtf?! I've been bald headed since I read Flow and Grip, then she came back for more with Still. I had heard of her before here and there but this year is the year that I got to discover her amazing writing!! I mean, she can write her ass off!! And I will always appreciate, love, and be thankful for the fact that she took such a huge risk and not only wrote a BLACK male love interest, but also talked about racial issues within the black community. Diversity is always so needed in all aspects of life and I think it's more than amazing that she's one of the many authors that are bringing more color into the genre!! I'll be devouring her previous series in 2018, and then not so patiently waiting for her new release!!

Emma Scott
Kandi Steiner
Leisa Rayven
Pepper Winters
So, Emma Scott brutally ripped out my heart at the beginning of this year when I read her Full Tilt duology and although I was crying thug tears, I instantly fell in love with her writing!! And then I got Ari to get her heart ripped out too so we could be twins in pain lmao!! Since then I've read one other of her books and I'm still in awe at how amazing she is at crafting such heartfelt stories. I snagged like all of her books on sale recently so I will definitely be binging them in the coming year because I am obsessed!!

Kandi Steiner
Yo, Kandi Steiner gave me all the drama filled, messiness this year with her Palm South University series and lemme tell y'all, I was LIVING for it!! I felt like I was watching my fave reality tv show and I can't wait for the next season because I NEED ANSWERS!!

Leisa Rayven
I recently read Mister Romance by Rayven and it was so good!! I instantly fell in love with not only the story-line, but also with her writing!! It was so much fun to read, and it was easy to get into. The characters were on point, and I'm so ready to dive into her Starcrossed series because I know that so many other people adore it and I'm eager to read more of her writing.

Pepper Winters
As you all know I recently read my first ever book by Pepper Winters and pretty much fell in love with it, and her deliciously dark writing. I've heard and seen others reading her for years now and would always say I was going to read one of her books, and I FINALLY did it this year!! I CANNOT wait to read her other books (she has a pretty extensive catalogue so yay!!), and see how dark her other stories get.
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