Hello Authors, Publishers & Publicists!
Here is our review policy:
What is our preferred genre?
- New Adult
- Adult
- Contemporary/Romance
- Erotica
(Genres NOT Accepted: Children’s Book, Middle Grade, Graphic Novels, Young Adult, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction, Dystopian & Science Fiction)
Review Outline:
A typical book review will contain:
- Cover & Info: An image of the book cover and book info (Title, Author, Series, Publication date, Publisher, Links, Synopsis from Goodreads)
- Our Thoughts About the Book:
- We will discuss: our likes and dislikes (if there are any), the characters, the writing, and our favorite parts.
- We will also include a closing paragraph stating our overall feelings of your book as well as who we would recommend it to.
- Rating System (We rate books on a scale of 1-5 stars with 1/2 if needed):
- 5 Stars: We loved everything about the book and would recommend it to all readers.
- 4 Stars: A book that we had some minor issues with, but I will still recommend it.
- 3 Stars: These books are just okay . There are usually of number of issues we had while reading the book and overall may not be impressed with it.
- 2 Stars: A book that we had a great amount of issues with and usually can’t find many things that we liked about the book.
- 1 Star: A book with this rating means that we really disliked it and probably did not finish it.
** We will also post our reviews on Goodreads, Facebook, & Twitter.**

Email: thenewromanticsbloggers@gmail.com
We are currently accepting review requests from authors, publishes, and publicists. If you would like to send us a book for review (ARCs or already published books), we accept the following formats: hard copy, PDF, or E-books that are compatible with Amazon Kindle.
NOTE: We will ONLY respond to review requests for books we have an interest in. Please allow up to two weeks for one of us to respond to your request. If we don’t respond after two weeks, then we are most likely not interested in reviewing your book.
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