With the end of the year upon, we've decided to share some of our favorites for the year of 2017. For the next five days, we will be posting THE BEST OF 2017 for five categories. Today, we're listing the BEST BOOK / SERIES we read in 2017 AND they will be in no particular order because there's already so much pressure to narrow our list down to only a few choices, it would be even more of a struggle to decide which book or series gets the top spot. Without further ado, let's get to the winners!

My infatuation with the Turning series happened by accident. I stumbled upon the series earlier in the year and decided to give it a try. By the covers alone, I'm sure most of y'all can tell this is a ménage series and before you go judging and side-eyeing, let me just say that covers can deceiving. This series are so much more than just sex. It's emotional, raw and filled with complex characters. I love all the characters in this series so hard and very much enjoyed seeing them find their happily-ever-after. I'm so excited for the spin-off series and can't wait to see what J.A. Huss has in store for us next!

The book that sparked my love for foodie romances! I read a few foodie romances in the past but I really never cared for the trope itself...that is until I read Tif Marcelo's debut book. I freakin' adore North to You and the romance and the family and ALL.THE.FOOD. The second-chance romance was so sweet, even though I was dying because of all the angst. I just want to devour all foodie romance books now. Hopefully they can live up to North to You...

Alessandra Torre has proven that no matter the genre, she will still write a damn good book. The Ghostwriter was hands-down the best non-romance book I read this year. This book kept me on my toes and on the edge of my seat because for the life of me I could not figure out the plot twist. It's definitely a book everyone should read if you're in the mood for some suspense and if you're interested in checking out Torre's book, The Ghostwriter is a good place to start!

I can't believe that I ever had any hesitations about this book. Why I ever doubted Alisha Rai's skills in the first place is beyond me. Wrong to Need You is a romance that stole my heart and gave me all the feels. I love how important family is in this book and how relationships were mended throughout this book. I also loved the fact that we have two POC leads, which is not something you see often in traditional publishing. Seriously, shout out to Nick for putting this series on my radar because I probably wouldn't have picked it up otherwise.

The final installment in Emma Chase's Royally series was absolute perfection! I don't think the series could've ended on a better note and Chase definitely saved the best couple for last. I adore Logan and Ellie's slow-burning romance and the fact that the couples from the previous books were included in the story. Emma Chase charmed my pants off with this series and I can't wait to read the rest of her backlist titles.

Last, but not least...OH HELL, JUST CUE THE DAMN WATERWORKS BECAUSE THIS IS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE SERIES FOR 2017! There are no words to describe how much I love this series. I've gotten quite a few of my blogger friends to read it and they've all raved because it's just that good. The Grip series by Kennedy Ryan isn't just another romance series. This series is a conversation starter. It gets people thinking, discussing and is so relevant to what is going on in our society today. If you haven't picked it up as of yet, then stop fucking sleeping and get to it!

The Grip Series by Kennedy Ryan

Full Tilt Duology by Emma Scott
Anyone surprised by this doesn't deserve to know me lmao!! The Grip series came into my life with a HUGE bang, and I will never not think about these books, stop recommending them, or stop gushing about them!! What Kennedy created within these pages is more than just a romance story, more than just an interracial romance. It was a truth, one that many people face, and one that people are still very afraid to talk about. If just one person who reads this has their eyes opened to the harsh reality someone different than them faces, then I think this series has done its job.
Laaawwwwdddd this book is a rollercoaster to the HIGHEST degree and I loved every minute of it!! I don't know from where Tarryn pulled this story but she still got me so shook. Sometimes I sit and think about how absolutely crazy Fig was and i just have to contemplate lmao!! Just read this if you haven't because man....

Full Tilt Duology by Emma Scott
Just read these two books so we can bond in heartbroken sorrow, and rejoice in being put back together, but still be lowkey heartbroken.
Black love is so fucking beautiful, especially when it's written well!! When I say I devoured this book I FUCKING DEVOURED IT!! It was so great reading about characters like me for a change and this book will forever remain in my top faves of all time. I still can't stop thinking about it months later, and I even sometimes remember certain scenes and smile like a damn weirdo. I demand that everyone reads this book this instant!! But remember Jordan is miiiinnnneeeee!!
Again, black love is really fucking beautiful and I'm so happy that some of my favorite reads this year feature it. Christina C. Jones really cemented herself into my all time favorite authors list this year and for damn good reason!! She can write her ass off, and I feel like she deserves so much more love than she gets now because it is so deserved. The way she can craft a story and characters is TOP notch, and I will be making my way through more of her very extensive catalogue in the next year and I am HYPED!!
Anyone who hasn't read this book needs to do better in life. Reading this took me on the most amazing experience and I went through so many damn emotions. It was my first read by Darhower and I'm so pissed it took me this long!! She can definitely write a damn good story and I feel like I'll be re-reading this one very soon, like very soon because I miss it so much. And I'll definitely stop slacking and read more of her books.
Y'all are gonna stop sleeping on Emma Scott ok?? She's another author that single-handedly slid onto my favorite authors of all time list and I couldn't be any happier!! She can write y'all, she can craft some damn good characters, and her books transport you right into the world she creates. You feel like you're right there with them experiencing everything they do (cries), and I'll be binging like all of her books next year so I'm currently preparing for more feels.
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