Hey Guys!
WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam @ Taking On A World Of Words. Simply answer the following questions:
♥ What have you recently finished reading?
♥ What are you currently reading?
♥ What do you think you’ll read next?
ARI: I am still pissed off after finishing this book. It's not that it was bad, quite the opposite actually, it's just that I'm pissed I didn't see any of these twists coming. Redmerski clearly brought her A-game and threw everyone for a loop.
BRITT: I recently finally got around to reading Shame Me Not by Fiona Cole. I had been interested in this book for a minute, and after it got banned on Amazon, then republished I had to hurry and hop on it to see what the fuss was about. Overall I was pleasantly surprised by how the aspects of the content played out. I also read the novella right after to see how the couple's final HEA played out.
ARI: I have mixed feelings about this one. I like the characters, it's just the romance is off. There's just some back-and-forth nonsense and it's rubbing me the wrong way.

BRITT: I technically haven't started started this one yet, but it is my current read if that makes any kind of sense lmao. I love Danielle Allen's writing so I know this will be dope!!
ARI: I'm gonna sneak this book in because I somewhat enjoyed Let's Get Textual (wasn't a big fan of the heroine) but I'm hoping this be a better read!

BRITT: After reading The One I want to immediately hop into the squeal!!
What are you all reading this week? Leave us your links down below!

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