Books I've Never 'Formally' Reviewed, But Highly Recommend

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Hey guys!

So I've been in a reading and review rutt for the past few weeks, but I didn't want to go without posting at least one post this week so I'm doing something a little bit different. I don't usually recommend books. To be quite honest, recommending books scare me because I don't like anyone hating on my faves. That's just me. 

But this year, I've read some pretty amazing romances and I don't ever talk about them because well...they're not everyone's cup of tea. I read A LOT of erotica romances and I never get to fangirl about them because I don't want to be judge for liking the kinky shit. But to hell with all that because the following books/series deserve more hype and hopefully I can convince you to pick one of them up!

Let's begin!


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(Erotica, Dark, Ménage, BDSM, Contemporary, Romance)

I accidentally stumbled upon the Turning series when I was doing research on ménage romances...and yes I mean research because I do that from time to time. It's the psychologist in me, I can't help it. Anyways, I stumbled upon this series and after I finishing the first book I couldn't turn back. This series totally changed my thoughts on ménage romances and I take back all the trashy shit I've said about them. Now I'm not saying this series will be for everyone. It's still dark and filthy as hell and those covers aren't really helping the cause, but the stories themselves are amazing. Like I never get attached to characters in eroticas, but I completely adore this gang of friends and I loved seeing them all find their happily-ever-after. I can't wait for the spin-off series to experience a new game and meet our new players.


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(Erotica, Contemporary, Romance)

This series was recommended to me by my blogger friend, Nick. (Nick if you're reading this, I'm still surprised that you rec'd me this series) London Hale is the combined pen name of writing besties Ellis Leigh and Brighton Walsh and while I've never read anything by either of these two authors, I trust Nick's judgement because she's never steered me wrong before. This novella series is downright naughty. Just from the titles alone you can already tell that some scandalous shit is about to go down. While I would consider these eroticas, they are very sweet and will make you grin from ear-to-ear. My favorite is definitely The DILF because Brandon and Genesis' chemistry is everything!! I would definitely recommend this series when you're in a slump.


(Erotica, BDSM, Romance)

To be honest, I feel like BDSM has become so normalized in romance books that I'm not even surprised anymore when couples try to spice up their sexy time with a little bondage and such. I'm lowkey tired of seeing this kink over and over again, but Fiona Cole puts a refreshing twist on one of my favorite kinks and I feel like she truly captured what BDSM is all about. This romance starts off with our MCs as teens and we see them throughout the years experiment with BDSM and learn not to be ashamed at the fact that they like it a little rough in bed. What I loved most about this book is the fact that Cole does not shame the heroine for wanting to be a submissive, not just in the bedroom but in her everyday life. I definitely shed a few tears with this one so tissues may be required!


(Erotica, Dark, Contemporary, Romance)

I swear, every time I read a book by Alessandra Torre, I fall more in love with her writing. She is an incredible story-teller and you are always surprised when reading a book by her because she never writes the same story twice. I recently read Black Lies and I was completely blown away. Although the synopsis said that this was a different type of love-triangle, I still had my doubts. But Alessandra totally surprised me with the twist and that rarely ever happens! It definitely takes some time to get into this one, but have patients my friends because it'll be worth it! I have so much respect for Torre and I can't wait to continue my binge-read of her books.


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(New Adult, Contemporary, Romance)

I binge-read the Soul series after I finished Grip by Kennedy Ryan because I need more of her words. While I don't love Kai and Rhyson's romance as much as I love Gripstol's romance, I still very much enjoyed this trilogy. Kai and Rhys are both artists so a lot of their feelings and emotions are spoken through their art and it's one of my favorite thing about this series. Rhys is such a little playboy, but I adore him and his ability to love fiercely. Kai is a strong, spirited individual who has face many losses but she doesn't let those losses hold her back from achieving her dreams. I will say that you're going to need patients with these two because their both hard-headed and like to do things on their own terms. This series is definitely a great place to start if you haven't read anything by Kennedy Ryan yet.

Have you read any of these books/series? If you have tell me which ones you liked...or didn't like, haha!

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